WaPo’s Dana Milbank displays liberal bias once again
The WashPost’s Dana Milbank once again displays his overt liberal bias:
Tom DeLay sneaks around the Capitol like a fugitive these days, using back doors and basement passages to avoid television cameras.
Can you imagine Clinton while, under scrutiny and/or investigation, getting an introduction like that in what’s supposed to be an objective unbiased article? Something like:
“President Clinton sneaks around the Capitol like a rapist* on the run these days, using back doors and basement passages to avoid television cameras.”
I can’t imagine it either. I can’t believe Milbank’s article went to press like that.
Oh wait, I CAN believe it. Sigh.
*Disclaimer: I don’t believe he’s a rapist, but some do and he was under suspicion for that at one time. Just using it as an example of a descriptive term the MSM would not use on BC.