Big Green and the enviro-statist agenda, part 2
Last week, PJTV presented the first in its three-part series on the politics of the environmental movement, presenting an overview of its goals and its relationship with government, particularly the Democratic Party and the administrative state.
This week, Joe Hicks and his guests take a closer look at the origins of the movement in the 1960s left-wing counterculture, the large sums of money they have to spend, and their alliance with big business* to push harmful measures such as cap-and-trade:
*(Don’t be surprised. As Goldberg pointed out in Liberal Fascism, there’s a natural urge in big corporations to ally with statists if if means guaranteed profits and restrictions on smaller competitors. Think of the utilities under FDR, or the deals the big insurance and pharmaceutical companies almost cut with the administration over ObamaCare. The cooperation between Big Green and Big Business highlighted in this video is just another example.)
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)