Chopping off hands is true compassion!
**Posted by Phineas
I don’t know what we benighted kuffar are afraid of. You see, under the enlightened rule of Sharia law, cutting off the hand of a thief or whipping a fornicator 100 times is an act of mercy; you’re both protecting society from the sinner and protecting the sinner form himself! Trust me, he or she will thank you for it.
But don’t take my word for it. Just ask respected Egyptian Islamic scholar Mas’oud Anwar. As a bonus, he even demonstrates the proper Islamic way to whip someone (1):
Of course, what the honored cleric (2) failed to mention was that “fornicators” subject to whipping apparently also includes women who are the victims of gang-rapes. “Compassion” must have a different meaning under Sharia than it does in English.
But that’s just details. It’s the thought that counts.
(1) Anthony Weiner should be very grateful he lives in New York…
(2) Did you notice how enthusiastic and happy he was during his demonstration? Creepy…
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)