Next time someone tells you CO2 causes global warming…

**Posted by Phineas

Show them this chart:

(Click here for a larger version)

The blue line represents estimates of average global temperature, while the black records the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If there’s a correlation (1) here between rising temperate and rising CO2, I sure don’t see it.

The authors at Geocraft point out that only twice in the Earth’s history have CO2 levels been as low as they are now. In fact, if it were to go much lower, photosynthesis would shut off and plant life would die. (2)

Talk about “unintended consequences” should the “Save Gaea” crowd succeed at geo-engineering!

via Power Line.

(1) In fact, there’s some evidence that a rise in CO2 lags a temperature rise, not precedes it.
(2) Of course, light and heat play major roles, too, but the point is that we are much closer to the minimum than any dangerously high levels.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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