(Video) Must-viewing: Daniel Hannan at CPAC 2012
**Posted by Phineas
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was held this last weekend in D.C. I didn’t attend, sadly (1), so I’ve been working my way through the speeches I would have attended, looking for some to share.
Boy, have I got a good one for you.
Daniel Hannan, a Conservative member of the European Parliament from SE England, spoke to the assembled conventioneers and gave them a warning from the future: America is on the way to becoming a statist mess like the EU, but there is still time to change direction. (Unlike Europe?)
He also spoke with an outsider’s admiration for our political accomplishments and evincing a knowledge and understanding of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution that I daresay few Americans could match. And also a sadness that his own homeland, the birthplace of our common heritage, is well on the road to chucking it all away.
But, enough. Watch and enjoy:
Two final questions:
Is there any way we can kidnap Hannan, grant him citizenship, and force him to serve in the Senate? And, be honest, how many of you watched this, imagined Hannan debating President Obama and started giggling?
RELATED: Earlier posts featuring Daniel Hannan. In this video, which made him a star among US conservatives, Hannan shreds then-PM Gordon Brown.
(1) Generous donations for next year gladly accepted!
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)