(Video) Up or Down? American greatness is a choice.
**Posted by Phineas
In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle looks at two recent incidents — a MSNBC host having trouble referring to Americans killed in battle as heroes, and the resupply of the International Space Station by a private American company — to illustrate two possible paths for America: “Up or Down.”
Bill ends by saying “decline is a choice,” perhaps echoing the title of Charles Krauthammer’s brilliant analysis of modern liberal foreign policy.
But I prefer a more positive framing: that national greatness —American greatness— is our choice. It’s the choice between the diffident, enervating, and self-absorbed navel-gazing of a Chris Hayes on the one hand, and the belief of Americans-by-choice that here humanity can still achieve great things — liberate a nation, defend civilization, or build rockets to carry us into space. We have all the resources and people we need; we have the spirit.
We just have to make a choice.
LINK: More at Hot Air.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)