(Video) #FastAndFurious “Follow the ideology”

**Posted by Phineas

Or, as Bill Whittle asks at the end, “Have you no shame?” (1)

The ideological reasons behind Operation Fast and Furious are still speculation, but, given the far-left agenda subscribed to by both Obama and Holder, the idea that this might have been aimed at imposing strict gun control is not unreasonable. And it is more than reasonable that Congress should investigate this.

Oh, wait. I forgot. Someone invoked executive privilege to block that investigation.

Meanwhile, somewhere, Dick Nixon laughs.

RELATED: Earlier Fast and Furious posts.

(1) In fairness, while most of the media has dutifully ignored a Democratic president’s scandal —in which people died!— CBS’ Sharyl Attkisson has done a great job from the start.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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