Obama gets crucial endorsement — from Hugo Chavez
**Posted by Phineas
Call it “simpatico:”
“Obama is campaigning. He’s a candidate. I hope the real revolutionaries understand well. I think that Barack Obama – aside from ‘the president’ – is a good guy,” he said.
He must see a kindred spirit:
Yeah, if it weren’t for that whole “president thing,” couldn’t you just see them sitting down for a couple of cervezas, kicking back, and chewing the coca paste (1) together?
We should see this endorsement all over the TV waves — in Mitt Romney commercials.
PS: Romney 2012.
PPS: Obama doesn’t think Chavez is a threat to the US. Fausta counts the ways he is.
(1) Oh, don’t look at me like that. President Choom admitted in his memoir that he used coke and grass. I’m sure he could handle it like a pro.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)