Obama gets crucial endorsement — from Hugo Chavez

**Posted by Phineas

Call it “simpatico:”

“Obama is campaigning. He’s a candidate. I hope the real revolutionaries understand well. I think that Barack Obama – aside from ‘the president’ – is a good guy,” he said.

He must see a kindred spirit:


Yeah, if it weren’t for that whole “president thing,” couldn’t you just see them sitting down for a couple of cervezas, kicking back, and chewing the coca paste (1) together?

We should see this endorsement all over the TV waves — in Mitt Romney commercials.

PS: Romney 2012.

PPS: Obama doesn’t think Chavez is a threat to the US. FaustaΒ counts the waysΒ he is.

(1) Oh, don’t look at me like that. President Choom admitted in his memoir that he used coke and grass. Β I’m sure he could handle it like a pro.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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