(Video) This will -or, at least, should- worry the White House
**Posted by Phineas
You may recall that, a couple of weeks ago, Mitt Romney spoke before the NAACP at their annual convention. The reception he received was mixed: some standing ovations mixed with jeers at his promise to repeal ObamaCare.
Still, he apparently made some converts who were willing to go on the record:
(via The Jawa Report)
Then there’s this item from Breitbart — CBS News: Blacks Unsatisfied With Obama
CBS does a pretty good job giving a myriad of examples of that dissatisfaction, even while in nearly every other paragraph, CBS reporter Leigh Ann Caldwell mentions how, dissatisfied or not, they are all still voting for Obama.
But that constant reassurance aside, the piece is filled with example after example of the grumbling from black community leaders and politicians all essentially saying how disappointed they are that Obama has done so little for them.
The piece leads with complaining from Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), both of whom are annoyed that black unemployment is so much higher than that of other communities.
Obama is also criticized for not showing much leadership on other issues that affect the black community. The piece notes, for instance, that Obama has done little on the violent crime that plagues big city black communities, and he’s also criticized for not speaking before any of the nation’s African American organizations like the NAACP or the National Urban League.
All in all, it seems that many in the African American community feel that Obama has failed to live up to his “unique role in history” and that he’s allowing “political expediency” to rule the day.
It’s been noted many times that the Democratic Party relies on near-total bloc voting by African Americans to win elections; they regularly garner above 90%. Even losing just a few percentage points from that bloc could cost them elections at the national and state levels. Combine the Black vote being depressed because of dissatisfaction with Obama with the sight of NAACP leaders saying it’s okay to vote for Romney, and…
Well, let’s just say David Axelrod probably isn’t sleeping well at night.
PS: Romney 2012, because I want a president who cares about Americans, but doesn’t care about their skin color.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)