Egyptian jihad group calls for Christian genocide
**Posted by Phineas
Via Raymond Ibrahim:
According to today’s issue of El Fegr, “Elements of terrorist, jihadi organizations distributed leaflets today inciting for the killing of Copts in Suez, Ismailia, and Upper Egypt, promising them [Copts] a tragic end if they do not return to the truth.”
An image of a copy of the letter appears on El Fegr’s website. Titled “An Urgent and Important Notice,” it begins by calling on “all brothers and sisters” to “kill or physically attack the enemies of the religion of Allahβthe Christians in all of Egypt’s provinces, the slaves of the Cross, Allah’s curse upon them⦔ It proceeds to promise a monetary reward for whoever helps “achieve Allah’s rights against his enemies.”
This genocide has been called until Egypt’s Christians “return to the truth,” a reference apparently meaning that Egypt’s Christians must either embrace “the truth”βthat is, Islam, which they must convert toβor else return to the truths of the religion, which holds that Christians must embrace their subhuman dhimmi status (Koran 9:29).
The ongoing persecution of religious minorities in the Muslim world is something rarely reported in our mainstream media, which instead hangs on every word about “Islamophobia” uttered by CAIR and its allies. But, unlike those claims, the persecution of Christians, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, Jews, and Buddhists in areas where Islam dominates or seeks domination is all too real — and often fatal.
One of the founding, core ideals of the United States is freedom of religion, the right to practice one’s faith -or no faith at all- without fear of punishment. We consider it a universal, unalienable right, pre-existing any government, endowed in all by Nature and Nature’s God.
It would be nice if the current administration could be bothered to speak out for that right, on behalf of those suffering genuine oppression.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)