Rep. Clyburn: Dems ‘will be running’ on Obamacare in 2014

**Posted by Phineas

They might as well; they’re the only ones who voted for it — in the face of massive public opposition, I’ll remind us all.

Today  in The Hill:

The House assistant Democratic leader said on Sunday that his party will campaign on President Obama’s controversial healthcare law in 2014.

“We will be running on Obamacare in 2014,” Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) said during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“In fact, we set it up to run on it in 2014,” he continued. “We fully expect to run on it, we expect to win on it. The American people will be the winner.”

Clyburn noted that major provisions of the law are expected to go into effect on Oct. 1 and Jan. 1, 2014, leaving Democrats little choice but to make healthcare a part of their midterm election campaigns.

This anti-constitutional monstrosity is already falling apart, and every week seems to bring one more waiver for one more favored group. Even former ardent supporters want it delayed or even repealed. And if the voting public hasn’t already noticed all the problems(1), you can bet they will once those major provisions go into effect… less than a year before the election.

So, I agree with the esteemed Democratic assistant leader (2): Democrats should run on Obamacare. And we’ll help in every way we can to make sure they get all the… credit.

We’re nice like that.

via Rick Moran

(1) Sorry, Jim. They have.
(2) A title created to salve Clyburn and the Black Caucus’s wounded ego after he was demoted when the Democrats became minority party in 2011, so the White Steny Hoyer could keep the number two spot in the caucus under the White Nancy Pelosi. Just a reminder.

(Crossposted at Public Secrets)

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