Tweet of the Day, #LAquake edition
**Posted by Phineas
So, as you probably all heard, we had a light earthquake near Public Secrets Global HQ this morning (1). Not a bad one, though I was near the epicenter and upstairs, so it was still a good ride. But, if you’ve lived in California for your whole life, as I have, it’s also nothing you haven’t been through, before. A momentary “uh-oh” as you wonder if this is the lead in to The Big One, and then back to whatever you were doing as it fades away. And I figured my fellow Angelenos would feel the same way. After all, did we not laugh and point when D.C. had their quake?
Then I saw this (via Twitchy):
Please do not call 911 to report the #earthquake. We are well aware of it. Lines need to be kept open for emergencies
— LAPD Communications (@911LAPD) March 17, 2014
Really, people? “Hello? Operator? I’d like to report an earthquake. Would you please send someone out to arrest it?”
Tourists. Yeah, that’s it. It must be tourists.
PS: While we laugh at each other and ourselves, let’s remember that earthquakes are serious business, and it’s our own individual responsibility to be prepared for when a bad one hits; help from the government may take days to arrive, after all. Earthquake Country is a good site with before, during, and after advice.
(1) I deny any and all rumors that I was conducting below-ground atomic testing. Pay no attention to that small radioactive cloud…
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)