Nadagate: Just the facts
All you need to know about Nadagate via Frank J. at IMAO.
Nadagate: the latest
Tom Maguire at Just One Minute has tons of links and comment on the latest developments in this ‘scandal.’
About that letter…
Remember this letter regarding how ‘disgusted’ the signatories (former ‘intelligence officials) were with the Bush administration’s handling of Nadagate? It was of course, trumped up by both the liberal media and the lefty blogosphere – including David Corn, (who incidently is the guy Cliff May believes leaked [with Joe Wilson’s assistance] Valerie Plame’s ‘covert’ status to the media) among others.
MSM on Nadagate: A miserable failure
Just how many times were the words “shift in policy” or some variant of them (wrongly) used by the mainstream press in articles regarding the President’s comments today about Nadagate? Too many.
Plamegate: a retrospective
Rather than me attempting to put it all together, I’ll just direct you to a blogger who already has. Meet Fat Steve (that’s what he calls himself!), who’s put together a pretty comprehensive history of Plamegate, and how this story has pretty much collapsed in the faces of the Bush haters.