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Search results for: "Hitchens", Page 9

Oh please

Can it get anymore pathetic these days than the op/ed pages of the New York Times? Not even two weeks after they stated their reasons why they wouldn’t publish the ‘offensive’ Mohammed cartoons, an editorial appears in their paper today that would have you believing that they never took such an appeasing stance – and they go so far as to frown on others who’s actions they believe have sent a message of appeasement to Islamofascists:.....   [Read More]

Keep driving these points home, Mr. Prez

The President gave a speech tonight at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska – the speech is a continuation of the same theme that the President has been pushing hard over the last week in response to the lying Democrats in Congress who are trying to falsely assert that the President lied about the rationale Iraq war, forgetting what was said in the past by their own party regarding the threat they, too, thought Iraq posed (see here and here for more). Here’s the text of the speech. Some of what the President said:.....   [Read More]