Sidarth the victim gets a whole story devoted to him at the WaPo
Fresh off of yesterday’s WaPo piece that strongly implied that the man Senator George Allen called “macaca” is a ‘victim’, comes this piece. We find out what a stellar guy he is in a three page article:
S.R. Sidarth had built an impressive record of achievements for such a young man: straight-A student at one of Fairfax County’s finest high schools, a tournament chess player, a quiz team captain, a sportswriter at his college newspaper, a Capitol Hill intern and an active member of the Hindu temple his parents helped establish in Maryland.
And how he was “thrust” into the spotlight after this oh so unfortunate incident:
But for all his achievements, the moment that thrust him into the national spotlight this month came when Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) called him “macaca.”
Sidarth, when not doing whatever he can to get Allen’s Democratic opponent James Webb elected, is still apparently deeply troubled by the incident:
The remark stung the young man of Indian descent. What hurt more, Sidarth said, was when Allen gave him a sarcastic welcome to his own country, his birthplace even. It was too ironic, he thought. “I was born and raised in Fairfax County, and he’s from California,” said S.R. Sidarth, wearing khaki shorts, a yellow short-sleeve shirt and flip-flops a week after the incident during an interview at the campaign headquarters of Allen’s opponent, Democrat James Webb.
The rest of the piece is designed to point out to us what a wonderful guy Sidarth is and how, because of that, he didn’t ‘deserve’ Allen’s remark:
The full name of the suddenly famous 20-year-old is Shekar Ramanuja Sidarth. Following Indian custom, he goes by his surname. To some of his friends, he is simply “Sid.”
He returned this week to the University of Virginia, where he is a senior majoring in American government and computer engineering.
Before college, Sidarth lived a somewhat typical, but distinguished, Fairfax County life. He attended the elite Thomas Jefferson High School, where he had a 4.1 grade-point average and scored 1550 on his SATs. He was a member of the chess club and the Spanish Honor Society and participated in the quiz show “It’s Academic.” At 6 feet 4 inches tall, he also played defensive end, tight end, punter and kicker for the school’s football team.
Understand that? He played football for crying out loud, an All-American sport. How could Allen possibly have confused him for a non-citizen?
I really can’t stomach quoting anymore of it. It goes on to talk about who his family is, quotes friends about how his family instilled in him strong values, etc etc.
My question is: WHO FLIPPING CARES?
Allen has apologized about 500 times while Sidarth still supposedly has ‘questions’ (uh huh) about why it took Allen ‘so long’ to call him personally, and today we get a three page WaPo piece telling us all about a Democratic staffer ‘thrust’ in the spotlight who just happens to be a hard-working, swell guy. You’d think the guy’s last name was Plame or something.
If this isn’t an obvious display of the media trying to milk this story for all it’s worth by trying to keep it alive, I don’t know what is.
Update: Dan Riehl exposes some hypocrisy on the part of Sidarth. Surprise.
Update II: Even more from Dan.