They know
I have battled for years with liberals who have claimed in so many words that our enemy does not have the time nor are they interested in monitoring via the media what we say and do here in America. I have shown them the words of PAVN Colonel Bui Tin from an interview he did with the WSJ back in August 1995, where he cited the anti-war movement here at home as being critical to Hanoi’s victory. That doesn’t seem to compute, either. I think liberals like to claim that what we say here doesn’t have much, if any, impact on how the enemy conducts itself because if they admitted that the enemy paid attention to what we said and did here carefully, then they’d be admitting that the harsh statemetns coming from the mouths of top Dems like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry actually did impact the war negatively. Very negatively.
Wonder what they’ll think of this?:
DUBAI, Nov 10 (Reuters) – A purported audio recording by the leader of Iraq’s al Qaeda wing said outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld quit to flee the Iraqi battlefield.
Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, said in the recording posted on the Internet that the group has 12,000 armed fighters and 10,000 others waiting to be equipped to fight U.S. troops in Iraq.
“I swear by God we shall not rest from jihad until we … blow up the filthiest house known as the White House,” he said.
The Democrats’ victory at Tuesday’s Congressional elections were a step in the right direction, the speaker said.
“I tell the lame duck (U.S. administration) do not rush to escape as did your defence minister … stay on the battleground,” the speaker said. “The American people have taken a step in the right path to come out of their predicament … they voted for a level of reason.”
The authenticity of the tape could not be verified.
“The (U.S.) enemy if now wobbly. Today they are loading their gear to flee,” the speaker said.
Khamenei has called the Democrats’ victory on Monday a victory for Iran:
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday called U.S. President George W. Bush’s defeat in congressional elections a victory for Iran.
Bush has accused Iran of trying to make a nuclear bomb, being a state sponsor of terrorism and stoking sectarian conflict in Iraq, all charges Tehran denies.
“This issue (the elections) is not a purely domestic issue for America, but it is the defeat of Bush’s hawkish policies in the world,” Khamenei said in remarks reported by Iran’s student news agency ISNA on Friday.
“Since Washington’s hostile and hawkish policies have always been against the Iranian nation, this defeat is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation.”
The Democrats wrested control of both houses of Congress from the Republicans in this week’s mid-term elections, partly because of voter concern over the war in Iraq.
Khamenei, a senior cleric in power since 1989, has the last word on matters of state in Iran’s complex system of Islamic rule, while the government, under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in charge of day-to-day decision making.
“The result of this election indicates that the majority of American people are dissatisfied and are fed up with the policies of the American administration,” the IRNA state news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.
Yes, the American people thankfully have the right to vote, and they made their voices heard on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the wrong message has been sent. Our actions here at home have consequences abroad. Those who will suffer the most will be our troops, who will face an enemy who has been emboldened now more than ever. Afterall, when you’ve got the House Speaker claiming that the Iraq war is “not war to be won but a situation to be solved”, why wouldn’t you be emboldened if you were a terrorist?
The enemy has been listening to the Democrats’ defeatist comments on Iraq the whole time we’ve been there. And you can be assured that enemy hasn’t forgotten what those Dems, who weren’t in the majority then but are now, have repeatedly said about how the war was a “mistake” and how we “shouldn’t be there” and how we need to get out as soon as possible. They know what we are saying and doing here in America. The question is: is the new majority in Congress listening?
Hat tip: Stop The ACLU
Read more via Allah, Iowa Voice, bRight and Early, Jeff Goldstein