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February 21, 2007

Nutroots to certain Dem centrists: Project weakness, show hate for Bush or you’re next

I know I should be resting to try and rid myself of this cold that has me by the throat, but I couldn’t resist blogging about this fascinating story from the Washington Post written about the Nutroots and a Democrat Representative they are targeting. It’s Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA), who is the Chair of the centrist New Democrat Coalition. Why are they after her? Read on:.....   [Read More]

Wednesday open thread

I am currently under the influence of Sudafed – supposedly the non-drowsy version, but you wouldn’t know it by how sleepy I am – as I try to get rid of this nagging cold that won’t let me go. Here’s an open thread for you to discuss the hot topics of the day, until I return, which will hopefully be this evening......   [Read More]