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August 3, 2008

Liberty Pundit blog shutting down

Many long-time readers of this blog know Brian at Liberty Pundit (formerly Iowa Voice) not just from  his blogging at his own site, but the times I’ve asked him to guestblog here as well.  He’s always done a great job both here and there, and I’ve considered him one of the most underrated bloggers in the blogosphere for a long time now.  Not only that, but over the years he and I have become blogging buds......   [Read More]

Obama’s state senator years

Stanley Kurtz has written a well-researched article on something we don’t read much about in the MSM: Obama’s tenure as a state senator in IL.  The last time I read anything this insightful about his years in the IL state senate was when former Chicago-based reporter Todd Spivak wrote in February about his time covering Obama from 2000-2003, the last leg of Obama’s time in the state senate before becoming a US Senator......   [Read More]