US women’s beach volleyball team wins gold, thanks Bush??
I have read in a couple of different places this morning, like at, that Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor – the US women’s beach volleyball team – actually thanked the President yesterday after defeating the Chinese team to win the gold medal. This has to be seen to be believed!
I have searched for video or links to the actual quote(s), but with no luck. Anyone out there who finds the vid, please post the link – or a link to the transcript or quotes – in the comments.
Congrats, ladies! Hope you don’t lose any endorsement deals because of this
Caption: Misty May-Treanor (right) and her teammate Kerri Walsh of the US kiss their gold medals on the podium during the awards ceremony following their victory over China’s Tian Jia and Wang Jie in their women’s final beach volleyball match at Chaoyang Park Beach Volleyball Ground, on August 21, during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The US team won 2-0. (AFP/Thomas Coex)
Update 1 – 9:28 AM: Just found a quote:
“Thank you for your support, thanks for everything you do.”
Kerri Walsh’s shout out moments ago, alongside her partner Misty May-Treanor (married to Florida Marlins’ catcher, Matt Treanor) to the sitting US President, George W. Bush.
Cool Would still like to see vid, just to see the context of it all.Â
Do I sound shocked? Yeah – I guess I am, considering that anyone on the US Olympic team would dare to openly praise a President who is not liked overseas at all.
Update 2Â – 9:37 AM: Political Capital posts a paraphrase of another part of the quote:
But after the match was over – after the celebration, and after Misty May sprinkled her mom’s ashes on the ground again, NBC interviewed the two women and asked them about their feelings about the match, and winning the gold for the second straight Olympics.
That’s when Walsh said it. The statement that will likely drive those who can not tolerate anyone in the universe not being full of hate toward the President of the United States:
I just want to say this. Thank you Mr. President – for your inspiration! We love you, RAAAAAAHHH!!!”
I’m paraphrasing of course – I can’t find the comment on youtube, and nobody else has written on this yet that I can see, but the point remains.
C’mon – someone’s got to have a vid of this somewhere!
Update 3 – 10:10 AM: Ask and ye shall receive. Here’s a link to video of what was said. Thanks to ActPatriot in the comments! The .wmv link within the main link is slow loading, so have patience.Â
I love it. They weren’t asked about the President – they volunteered the remarks. Good for them!
Update 4 – 7:17 PM: If the vid at Ms. Underestimated is slow-loading, here’s a shorter version of the vid that skips right to the quote from Walsh: