Losers of the week: Mainstream media and the far left
… but I repeat myself.
Yeah, I know – they could qualify as “losers of the week” every week but this week … only a day into it … they’ve already outdone themselves over the Iraqi “journalist” shoe-throwing incident from over the weekend. They can’t contain their glee over it and in the process demonstrate their juvenile behavior, not to mention show that what little perspective they had left over what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s appropriate and what’s not, has completely gone out the window. Here are examples of some of today’s headlines:
- AP: Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling journalist
- NYT Baghdad Bureau: Brother Explains Shoe-Tossing Iraqi Journalist’s Anger
- NYT Baghdad Bureau: Iraqis Pick Up Their Shoes: Reaction From Around the Country (Note: can you tell the NYT is excited about this? – ST)
- Reuters: ANALYSIS-Iraqi shoe-thrower captures Mideast rage at Bush
- BBC: Iraq rally for Bush shoe attacker
- Chi-Trubune Swampland blog: Bush doesn’t admit Iraq’s angry soles
- AFP: Shoe attack on Bush mars farewell Iraq visit
“Mars”? Don’t these idiots realize that none of these people would have had the right to protest Bush’s visit if it weren’t for, well, him and the many sacrifices that have been made by our troops and coalition forces … not to mention the many brave Iraqis who want to see their country peaceful and prosperous, and not under the influence of radical Islam? Yeah, it was rude as hell for the Iraqi “journalist” to throw his shoes at Bush, but him and others in Iraq who are doing similary with photos of Bush probably haven’t stopped to think that if they were doing the same thing under a Saddam administration he’d torture them slowly before having them murdered.
Just goes to show once again that irrational, illogical, fanatical Bush hatred doesn’t stop at our borders.
Another thing, wouldn’t it be interesting to see a poll of all the Arabs in the Middle East and Europe who the media has noted are celebrating the shoe throw as to how many of them believe the Islamofascist torture and murder is acceptable when used to rid the world of “infidels”? I’m sure many of those on the left who read this blog will freak out over the question, assuming I’m stereotyping, but after the repeated terror attacks overseas, as well as the protest riots, violence, and deaths over “issues” like the Mohammed cartoons, I think it’s safe to say that we can bury the myth that “few Islamists” feel that such things are justified. I don’t think it’s a majority, but I definitely think it’s more than just a “few.” Polls like this one back up that opinion. The reason I ask is because it would be interesting to see how many of those Arabs would hate Bush anyway – even if he had decided not to go to war with Iraq.