If there’s even the slightest shred of doubt within any of you …
… regarding CNN’s liberal bias, this write-up by Tim Graham at Newsbusters on their “that was then, this is now “attitude on “head-butting debate shows” should clear things up for you quite a bit. Make sure to read it all the way to the end to understand the full scope of CNN President Jon Klein’s double standards on the idea of having Tucker Carlson do a debate show versus having D.L. Hughley host a debate show. Just to refresh, Hughley is host of the CNN show that Michael Steele was on last weekend which stirred up so much controversy.
Really. Could these network fatcats be anymore obvious?
Update – 4:52 PM: MediaBistro reports that Hughley’s run on CNN as a show host will end at the end of the month (the Steele interview had nothing to do with it). Hughley will still be a contributor on CNN.