Mysterious spiral light shines over Norway – Could it be … Obama?
A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of the country baffled.
Witnesses from Trøndelag to Finnmark compared the amazing sight to anything from a Russian rocket to a meteor or a shock wave – although no one appears to have mentioned UFOs yet.
The phenomenon began when what appeared to be a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain. It stopped mid-air, then began to circulate.
Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre – lasting for ten to twelve minutes before disappearing completely.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with telephone calls after the light storm – which astronomers have said did not appear to have been connected to the aurora, or Northern Lights, so common in that area of the world.
The mystery deepened tonight as Russia denied it had been conducting missile tests in the area.Fred Hansen, from Bø in Vesterålen, described the sight as ‘like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it again.’
‘It spun and exploded in the sky,’ Totto Eriksen from Tromsø told VG Nett.
He spotted the lights as he walked his daughter Amalie to school.He said: ‘We saw it from the Inner Harbor in Tromsø. It was absolutely fantastic.
‘It almost looked like a rocket that spun around and around and then went diagonally down the heavens.
‘It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then came something completely different.’
Well, oookay – I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Obama, not because I’m a “peer-reviewed” scientist or anything like speshul like that, but because Obama won’t arrive in Norway to accept his Nobel Peace prize until tomorrow. And speaking of that:
He’s coming to collect the Peace Prize, but the visit may not be entirely peaceful.
When President Obama arrives in Oslo Thursday to accept his Nobel peace award and deliver the requisite speech, he will likely be met by anti-war protesters, not to mention a Norwegian public that is evidently upset about his decision to skip a number of Nobel events, including lunch with the King of Norway. And then there is the issue, as Jeff Zeleny noted in this morning’s New York Times, of delivering a speech about peace just nine days after announcing an escalation of the war in Afghanistan.
“There is, of course, no escaping the paradox of this moment for Mr. Obama as he delivers an acceptance speech for his Nobel Peace Prize only nine days after announcing that he would escalate the war in Afghanistan by sending in 30,000 more American troops,” Zeleny wrote.
On the anti-war front, about 5,000 people are expected to turn out Thursday to protest the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, according to Benjamin Endre Larsen, leader of Norway’s Peace Initiative.
The “king snubbing” row is a bit over done, considering the fact that even though the President won’t lunch with the king, he will meet him during his visit to the royal palace. As a sidenote, I have to wonder whether or not the State Department has finally decided to clue the President in on the whole “not bowing” thing?
Anyway …
A couple of recent polls on the issue of Obama and the Nobel Prize indicate that maybe a majority of the American people might be starting to get it. First, CNN:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Hours before Barack Obama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a new national poll indicates that fewer Americans than ever think the president deserves the award. But according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, a majority of the public believes the president will eventually accomplish enough to merit the honor.
Nineteen percent of people questioned in the poll released Wednesday afternoon say Obama currently deserves the prize, with another 35 percent saying that it’s likely he will eventually accomplish enough in office to deserve the award. Still, greater than four in 10 believe the president will never deserve the prize.
The 19 percent who believe Obama deserves the award is down 13 points from a CNN poll conducted in October, soon after the award was announced.
“That number dropped 21 among Democrats and 10 points among independents, possibly due in part to Obama’s recent decision to send 30,000 more U.S. combat troops to the war in Afghanistan,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
And “possibly” due to “raaaacism,” I’m sure.
Next up: Quinnipiac:
The jump in public support for Obama’s war policy comes as voters say 66 – 26 percent he does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize he will be awarded this week, and 41 percent say the Nobel committee’s choice of Obama for the award causes them to think less of it, while 6 percent say it makes them think better of the prize and 49 percent say it makes no difference.
Add me to the “it makes no difference” camp. This award has been worthless for decades and with the selection of Obama to its’ roster of “winners,” the tradition continues – a trend which, to me, emphasizes the liberal motto that it’s not what you accomplish that is relevant, it’s sounding important and looking like you’re doing something worthwhile that matters. See past “winners” like Arafat, Carter, and Gore if further examples are needed.
Updated to add: Twitter user redinbleustate quips:
Mystery light over Norway? I think it’s Obama’s call to Soros, ala Batman