Some thoughts on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Today is the 37th anniversary of the day the SCOTUS legalized the cruel act of abortion (see the WaPo’s lackluster reporting on today’s March for Life rally in DC here). I’ve written about the issue many times here, and long time readers may remember the piece I wrote three years ago detailing my journey from being pro-abortion to pro-life. It was a “trip” well-worth taking and one that, at the end of it, I swore to commit my life to help undo the damage I, as a former abortion supporter, indirectly helped inflict on innocent unborn children via my role as an advocate for “choice.”
We hear a lot from pro-life women on the issue of abortion, but not nearly enough from men – and I suspect that a big reason why is that pro-abortion women tend to want to exclude men from the debate unless those men take their side on the issue; otherwise they use the “You’re not a woman, so your voice is not relevant” card in an effort to try and shut men up from speaking out against a practice that extinguishes a beating heart and stops the developing of other tiny but steadily growing organs. Fortunately there are men out there, mostly public figures like politicians and members of RTL coalitions who do speak out on behalf of the average man – and woman – who don’t support the taking of an unborn life for convenience purposes. One such man is Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), a tireless advocate on behalf of the unborn, and who in fact spoke at the March for Life rally today.
Last April, during a House Foreign Affairs Committee foreign policy hearing, Rep. Fortenberry had the chance to discuss with SOS Hillary Clinton one of the administration’s foreign policy priorities: Exporting abortion abroad. The below video is a roughly five and a half minute segment of that discussion, and Fortenberry approaches the issue with finesse and delicacy and a passion that was no doubt influenced, in part, by the fact that he has a wife and five daughters:
It saddens me to know that men like Fortenberry are viewed as “controlling and dominating” and that because he’s a man with a contrarian view, that voices like his are shouted down by radical feminists who suggest that because he’s a man and therefore cannot get pregnant that he shouldn’t have a voice in the debate. This is a tactic that is highly ironic, considering the fact that traditional feminists back in the 1700s and 1800s fought against the belief that a woman should only speak when she agreed with him and otherwise should keep her opinions to herself. This is modern day in-reverse version of that, perpetuated by liberal feminists is, frankly, an unAmerican attitude, and I applaud Fortenberry – and other males like him – for standing up in the face of the prevailing view that pro-life men should have no say so in the debate over the life of the unborn.
Hillary Clinton’s remarks were so typical in nature I nearly yawned when I heard them. In typical moral relativist fashion, she morally equates a woman (Margaret Sanger) whose body and soul was devoted to ridding society of “undesireables” – especially black babies – via abortion to a man (Thomas Jefferson) who, even though he owned slaves and believed black people to be inferior to whites, pushed to have them emancipated and whose views on the issue clearly evolved for the better over the years at a time when it was almost treasonous to advocate for freedom of any kind for black people. Sadly, to the Hillary Clintons of this country, everything is “relative” and no moral judgments are allowed unless they are moral judgments against traditional American values which are “old-fashioned” and “outdated” and in some ways “misogynistic” to radical feminists.
Moral relativism on a variety of issues but especially issues related to the right to life will contribute greatly to the downfall of our society if more people – and not just Average Janes but Average Joes, too – don’t strongly stand up against it. On this, the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and on the one year anniversary week of the inauguration of a man who is arguably the most pro-abortion President we’ve ever had, let’s reaffirm our commitment to protecting the lives of the unborn – to speak for those who don’t yet have a voice, and do our best to encourage both pro-life women and men young an old who are hesitant to speak out on the issue for fear of being shouted down to move beyond those fears, and remind them that men spilled blood and died for the right of all citizens of this great nation to speak out and it’s a right that no rabid, narrow-minded abortion supporter can ever take away.
Onward we march.
Related reading: