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December 2010, Page 4

Merry Christmas, y’all :)

Wanted to post a quick note to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. As of this writing, the weather forecasters are still predicting Charlotte will have a white Christmas – the guessing game is to how much now we will get and what time it will actually start. They’re saying around mid-afternoon going into the evening, so at this point it’s just a waiting game. This would be Charlotte’s first white Christmas since 1947. .....   [Read More]

Russians make RINO, squish, aisle-crossers look like chumps

Because they ARE chumps. For weeks during this recent lame-duck session of Congress, the White House, Democratic senators, and the liberal media were telling us that the latest START arms-reduction treaty with the Russians had to be approved now, in spite of serious, legitimate concerns. It absolutely could not wait until the new Senate was seated with new members who would actually reflect the will of the voters as expressed in the recent election. Nope, it had to be done now, or the universe would implode… or something......   [Read More]