Dear Nancy Pelosi: Kiss my grits!

Hot Air’s Tina Korbe recaps some disgusting remarks made by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi today on the Protect Life Act, which was hotly debated on the House floor. Pelosi said, both on the House floor and in a press conference:

“For a moment, I want to get back to what was asked about the issue on the floor today that Mr. Hoyer addressed,” Pelosi said. “He made a point and I want to emphasize it. Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor and health care providers do not have to intervene if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling.”

What’s “appalling” is the fact that she’d make such an ignorant, inflammatory, demagogic accusation in the first place. National Review’s K-Lo sets the former House Speaker straight:

Pelosi is warping conscience protection for pro-life hospital workers into that appalling nonsense.

In truth, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act already requires hospital workers to do whatever is necessary to stabilize the condition of both the mother and her “unborn child” (the wording in the law) in an emergency room.

It’s also appalling nonsense to contend that it is only liberal women who can properly defend women’s health, which she also does.

Here’s what the Protect Life Act actually does – via The Politico:

The bill, called the Protect Life Act, would ban the federal funding for abortions and bar women from using tax subsidies from the health care law to buy insurance that cover abortion – except in cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother. It would also ensure that health-care providers are protected if they believe that performing abortion procedures clashes with their personal beliefs.

Life News has a more complete analysis of the bill here. Make sure to read the whole thing.

Pelosi, as you may have guessed, is not the only female Democrat politician shamelessly framing this issue in a manner that makes it look like the GOP “doesn’t care” about women’s health:

(CNN) — House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the abortion bill the House debated Thursday, arguing that if it passed, “women can die on the floor and health care providers do not have to intervene.”

The bill, the “Protect Life Act,” sponsored by Pennsylvania Republican Joe Pitts, amends the health care law to bar any federal funding for any plan that provides any abortion services. The House is set to vote on the bill later Thursday.

Democrats opposed to the bill charged that the GOP majority is ignoring the nation’s top priority and instead spending time on a bitterly divisive issue.

“Instead of focusing on jobs, Republicans are continuing to wage their war on women,” California Democrat Barbara Lee said on the House floor.

Right. Even though GOP women support most pro-life measures in the House, the GOP is “waging a war on women.”


Rep. Jackie Speier, D-California, who revealed last year that she suffered a miscarriage and required a procedure to end her pregnancy, accused Republicans of being “absolutely misogynist” for bringing up the bill.

But Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-North Carolina, responded, “The misogyny comes from those who promote the killing of unborn babies.”

I suppose Rep. Foxx is a “misogynist”, according to Rep. Speier’s warped deductions.

I get really sick of these “feminist” women acting as though their party is the only party who is interested in “protecting women’s health.” It’s a flat out lie, and they damn well know it is. I’m also pretty fed up with them using code words like “women’s health” to mean “abortion.” Why not just say the word everytime you talk about “women’s health issues”? I suspect it’s because abortion is unpopular with a majority of the American people, so pro-aborts, as usual, play word games and avoid too many mentions of the word. Instead of “abortion” it’s “right to choose.” And don’t even get me started on how they object to being called “pro-aborts” – oddly by saying that asserting such things means they are “pro-abortion.” 8-| Yeah, I can’t figure that one out, either.

If this were any other issue it would be laughable, but considering the subject matter, it’s not. It’s really not funny the wool these “feminist” liberals try to pull over the eyes of the American people, especially women – and even more especially young women who are easily influenced by what they hear on TV, what they read in liberal media newspapers, etc. And perhaps the most sickening thing of all is how, for decades, liberal Democrat pro-abort women have raised millions and millions of dollars of campaign cash on the backs of 44 million aborted babies.

With the House’s Protect Life Act, pro-life medical providers can perform their duties without the issue of abortion weighing on their consciences. Pro-aborts, on the other hand, have pretty much made it clear that when it comes to a conscience, they simply do not have one.

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