#OccupySanDiego honors White House shooter
**Posted by Phineas
No, really.
Somehow, I don’t think 99% of us would approve of taking shots at the White House.
But, according to the Left, Occupy is just like the Tea Party. As Ace puts it:
If anyone in the Tea Party expressed solidarity with Jared Loughner (and if a group of Tea Partiers than bowed their head in respectful silence for him), do you imagine the media would have been interested?
Don’t worry, Ace; I’m sure CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, and (especially!) MSNBC will be all over this like ants at a picnic.
Just as soon as they can find a way to blame it on Sarah Palin.
RELATED: Earlier posts on the Occupy movement.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)