#DNC2012 recap so far: The sights, sounds … and smells … of uptown Charlotte
9/17/12 Update: Photos now posted at Facebook.
#OccupyCLT sets up tent city blocks from #DNC2012, say they have police permission
In overnight developments related to the DNC, the Charlotte Observer’s Cleve Wootson reports that Occupy Charlotte – which used to be based on the grounds of Old City Hall until the city beefed up anti-camping ordinances earlier this year, effectively ending the camping – is back in business and has set up camp at Marshall Park uptown:
The most important word you’ll learn in the #BrettKimberlin saga: “Lawfare”
First, the latest developments in the Brett Kimberlin campaign of “legal” terror that I wrote to you about last week – via Kimberlin target Stacy McCain:
Standing in support of writers personally targeted by #BrettKimberlin (REPOSTING)
NOTE: Today is Blog about Brett Kimberlin Day, initiated to show support to bloggers, lawyers, and others on the right and left who have been viciously targeted by both Brett Kimberlin and his merry band of AnonyThugs who are using the First Amendment as a harassment tool against “enemies” of convicted domestic terrorist aka “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin. I wrote my original post a couple of days ago, and since then blogger Patterico has written a detailed account, published today, of some of what he, his family, his employer, and fellow bloggers/friends/associates have had to go through at the hands of thugs like Brett Kimberlin and supporters. READ IT when you’ve got a few minutes. You’ll see that both conservatives and liberals alike were targeted – the liberals because they refused to play along with Kimberlin’s disgusting tactics and game-playing.