In which the state of California continues to lose its collective mind

Via the MSN Living Family Room blog (bolded emphasis added by me):

Governor Jerry Brown signed transgender-rights bill AB1266 into law, which allows students “to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities” based on their self-perception rather than birth gender. It will go into effect January 1.

Parents of transgender students have often debated with school districts over what restrooms their children can use, and, many times these disagreements land in court.

Supporters of the bill believe it will curb discrimination and bullying.

Opponents of the bill say it could lead to an invasion of privacy. But Carlos Alcala, a spokesman for the billā€™s author, says the law is about allowing transgender students to fit in.

Um, no, it’s about trying to get “transgender youth” to fit in – it’s about allowing the deeply confused youth of America to rule the roost when it comes to “deciding” what gender they feel more comfortable “identifying” as. Ā There is no right Ā and wrong anymore with the radical left. Ā No boundaries nor differences between boys and girls. Ā There just “is.” And as far as bullying goes, does anyone SERIOUSLY think that a boy who “identifies” as a girl and walks into the girls’ restroom is not going to be bullied at some point, and vice versa? Ā The guys and girls who aren’t “confused” about their gender are already confused about all other things related to sex and sexuality, and school cafeterias, bathrooms, and buses are going to be the perfect places for bullies to do what they do best.

Did I mention that this law allows boys who “identify” as girls to … use the girls’ locker room, and presumably the showers, too? Ā  Liberals will laugh at this and call anyone who objects as “prudish” and “regressive” but I can tell you this for a fact: Sane LIBERAL parents object to their daughters sharing a locker room with a boy (and vice versa), I don’t care HOW he “self-identifies”! Expect lawsuits …

In any event, the bigger issue is not even the bullying, but the state of California having the audacity to tell kids and teenagers that even if they were born a boy or a girl as per the birth certificate, have all the parts they are supposed to, that it’s ok for them to “self-identify’ as the opposite sex if that is what they feel most comfortable doing. Ā As I said in JuneĀ after news reports came to light of 1st grader Coy Mathis in Colorado who won “her” “civil rights” case to be able to identify as a girl even though she was born a boy:

How is it ā€œdiscriminationā€ [to only allow boys in the boys restroom and girls in the girls restroom]?? COY IS A BOY, not a girl. Born that way. Ā No matter what Coy wants to believe about HIMself, and what his family clearly encourages him to believe. Ā If this child had been born a boy who had girlie parts or vice versa, I could understand the dilemma, but until they become an adult, this is nonsense.


Folks, the lunatics are now running the asylum, and children now officially rule the household. Iā€™m at a loss for words here.

This is quite possibly one of the most moronic, unnecessary bills ever signed into law – how fitting it was in the People’s Republic of California?!

Coy Mathis
1st grade children like Coy Mathis are now allowed to determine their gender in Colorado, and students in California can now ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex. Who needs a stinkin’ birth certificate?

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