NC Senate race tightening up
I’m happy to report
Richard Burr ( R ) and Erskine Bowles (D) are vying for the seat that will be vacated by Sen. John Edwards. Well, for all intents and purposes, it’s already been vacated, but it will be officially so at the end of the year.
If you take a look at the latest state poll (found here, scroll down a bit for the NC Senate Race) you’ll see that the race between Burr and Bowles has tightened. Two months ago, Burr was behind Bowles 38-47. The latest Mason-Dixon poll shows Burr 44 – Bowles 45. There’s hope yet!
Sadly, no such luck on the race for the Governor’s mansion. Easley (D-the incumbant) is looking strong right now – Ballantine ( R ) has actually LOST points in the last two months. Oh well.