Happy Thanksgiving, all

Hi everyone,

Sorry the blogging has been so light these last few days. Had a lot going on. I will be resuming back to normal blogging the day after Turkey Day (as soon as I get done with the after TGiving early bird sales) :)

Just wanted to wish ya’ll a wonderful Thanksgiving. At this time of the year when we give thanks, I’d like to say “thanks” to the regulars who frequent my little corner of the blogosphere. I’m honored that there are people who enjoy this blog enough to return to it. You make blogging worth it. To any newbies, thanks for visiting and please come back again – there’s always some big issue going on that needs discussing 😆

Please remember in your thanks tomorrow to say “thank you” to our men and women who can’t be with their loved ones now – who are instead fighting the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. To them, I tip my hat and say “May God bless you all.”

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