Tammy Bruce’s upcoming book
…available November 2, can be pre-ordered here.
I’m a big fan of her writing. The first book by her that I read – The Death of Right and Wrong – was incredibly eye opening and is a must-read those of you interested in reading up on how and why our culture is being eroded by those who want to blur or erase the distinction between good and evil & right and wrong. I’m not kidding you when I say your eyes will be opened wider then they ever have been when you read about some of the issues she brings up we face today with respect to the culture war. Hint: it’s worse than we think it is.
Bruce approaches issues with a keen insight on the liberal perspective, considering she used to be the president of NOW-Los Angeles. Booklist says this about Tammy:
Rush Limbaugh would call Bruce a liberal who got mugged by reality, but she didn’t become a conservative. The former L.A. chapter president of NOW is still a lesbian feminist liberal, but she has seen the truth about the Left Elite (her term)–that is, the powers that be in feminism, gay rights, civil rights, and sex education as well as throughout the judiciary, the entertainment media, and American university faculties. The Left Elite enrages Bruce because, not content with achieving equal rights, it wants to stand morality on its head.
Tammy’s first book was titled The New Thought Police: Inside the Left’s Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds. The forward was written by Dr. Laura. That should tell you how good the book is
So with those credentials in mind, I have no qualms about recommending Tammy’s upcoming book (title: The New American Revolution : Using the Power of the Individual to Save Our Nation from Extremists). If it’s anything like her first two, you won’t be disappointed.
In addition to being an author, Tammy’s writes columns that appear in FrontPage magazine,Newsmax, and Men’s News Daily. She also hosts a syndicated talk radio show every Saturday from 4-7 p.m. PT on Talk Radio 790 KABC-AM (see below for an update on broadcast times). You can check out her website by clicking here (listen out for the cat and dog sound effects you’ll hear if you run your mouse over some of the animal pix .
8/8/05 – Updated to note that Tammy’s radio show is broadcast M-F 9 a.m. – noon PT and on Saturdays from 4-7 p.m. PT
8/9/05 – Update to the update: a reader just emailed me and said that Tammy is *not* on KABC M-F 9 -noon PT. Oops! Her website reads a bit confusing on that, though, so I’ll just post what’s she’s got written about it here. One thing is for sure, her show is definitely on Saturdays from 4-7 pm PT on KABC. Here’s what her website says:
The Tammy Bruce Show
is now national and syndicated!
Mon-Fri 9am-12pm PT
Every Saturday from 4 to 7pm PT!
For the Saturday show, Tammy’s flagship station is KABC in Los Angeles, and national syndication is distributed by Talk Radio Network, which offers streaming audio for members. If you’re not within range of KABC, check your local listings or demand that your local station carry Tammy. (KABC is not able to stream Tammy’s show over the Internet.)