Where did the weekend go?

Did this one not just fly by or what?

It was a bit busier than I expected it to be. I knew Saturday would be crazy but not Sunday. Had a call from a friend Saturday afternoon who told me that a friend of our’s father had passed away a few days prior and his visitation was Sunday. Of course I wanted to go to it to show support, so we went to that today around 2:30. After that, I took my friend to show her where I’m going to be moving to (assuming the paperwork and all that is good to go) and we were there for about thirty minutes. Then we went to have an early dinner after that. Came home and had a voice mail from my folks and found out that my dad *finally* wanted to go see the model of the condo I’m moving into, so I had to turn back around and go back out to the development to meet them there lol. By the time it was all said and done, I got back home at around 7 and had emails to catch up on as well as housework to do that I had left neglected thanks to a busy weekend.

Now the weekend is almost over.


Ah well, thank God for ’em! I look fwd to those two days of rest every week, even though most of the time I’m not resting!

I’ll catch ya’ll tomorrow. There’s a lot to blog about, and I’ll be on it manana, promise. Hope everyone had a good one.

Oh, and GO PANTHERS! :)

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