The Judiciary Committee is voting on Roberts
Matt Margolis is liveblogging the votes as they happen.
Judge Roberts is expected to be ok’d by the Judiciary Committee and as the next Chief Justice to the US Supreme Court when the Senate vote is taken next week. Think he’s got more than a few butterflies in his tummy right about now?
Next up: Who should fill the O’Connor vacancy? The NYTimes is reporting that the focus in DC is said to be on ‘diversity’.
1:15 PM ET Update: The Judiciary Committee has approved Roberts nomination:
WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday endorsed John Roberts to be the Supreme Court’s next chief justice, sending the nomination to the full Senate for a confirmation vote, scheduled for next week.
The vote was 13 to 5, with the committee’s majority of 10 Republicans united behind Roberts.
Matt’s got the Yes/No votes posted as follows:
For: Specter, Leahy, Hatch, Grassley, Kyl, DeWine, Kohl, Sessions, Feingold, Graham, Cornyn, Brownback, Coburn
Against: Feinstein, Kennedy, Biden, Schumer, Durbin
Related: Jeff Goldstein provides some commentary: “Roberts, Positioning, and the Politics of SCOTUS Voting”