Blonde joke as told by a blonde
Well, it started off with my redheaded sister emailing it to one of her blonde sisters (that would be me) and now I’m telling it to you
12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed
I was sitting at the counter in a diner recently, next to a blonde woman
who was engrossed in reading her newspaper. I noticed one of the
headlines that blared: "12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed."
I could see she shook her head at the sad news as she read the article.
Then, suddenly she turned and asked, "How many is a brazilian?"
But seriously, how many IS a brazilian? Is that more than a billion?
Update: For the humor-impaired, I was not chuckling over "dead Brazilians" but of the obvious punchline that should have been obvious after the last sentence: ‘brazilian’ as in ‘million, or gazillion’ – get it? They sound similar. Sheesh.