Underrated soundtracks

(Before I get started, is it obvious how I’m trying to avoid talking much about politics today? It’s good to take a one day break from the contentiousness of politics sometimes. Don’t worry – political blogging here at the ST blog will return tomorrow :))

Xanadu soundtrackA friend and I are having a friendly debate about underrated soundtracks. I told him I thought the soundtrack to the movie “Xanadu” was so underrated. Ok, I know most of ya’ll are laughing, and yes – the movie was cheesy as heck. But the soundtrack … I have always liked it! ELO is awesome, and Olivia-Newton John was a heroine of mine from my younger years. The first album (yes, a vinyl one) I ever owned was “Making a Good Thing Better“. My parents bought it for me when I was 7 or 8 years old (can’t remember the exact year).

Anyway, is there a soundtrack out there you love but generally has gotten panned by the critics and/or perhaps didn’t sell very well? If not, how about a CD that didn’t do very well but that you happen to love? We’ve all got a few of those ;)

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