Brief hello and thanks
Wanted to write a quick message to say hello to the newbies who’ve stopped by and/or commented the past few days at the blog. I can’t respond to comments as much as I used to, but I usually do try and give an ‘official’ greeting of sorts to anyone new. For the record, I plan on catching back up (as much as I can) on comments in the next couple of days as there have been some good ones – if only there were more time in the day
Also, I’d like to say thanks again to those of you who continue to visit this blog on a daily basis – your support means a great deal to me. I enjoy reading your emails and comments, even though time dictates that I can’t respond to every one. Regarding comments, I know things occasionally get a bit testy here and there in some of the comments sections, but that’s the nature of debating politics sometimes. I try to step in when things look like they may be getting a little too heated … luckily, that hasn’t happened much. The good thing is we manage to keep things pretty civil and that’s the way I think it should always be. I think we have a good group of commenters here.
Logging off now to catch up on some much needed sleep. Have a good night, ya’ll.