One year ago today

Bush defeats KerryThe President stunned his critics both home and abroad by getting re-elected. The guy many of them thought (and still think) is the biggest idiot on the planet managed to win the election – which spoke implied volumes about their candidate, sending the opposition into denial, fits of apoplexy and, and of course the inevitable chants of: “he stole it” – a chant which still persists in some circles today.

I remember holding my breath for a few seconds as the results from Ohio came in. There was some tight races in a few states, but W pulled it out – in spite of the massive amount of cash spent by not only the Kerry campaign, but his surrogates from and other liberal groups.

Jason at Generation Why? asks: where were you when Kerry officially conceded and Bush was declared the winner? As to where I was, I was sitting here at my desk listening to the radio – and breathed a sigh of relief when Kerry made his gracious concession. I smiled, thinking, “he did it!” (Note: Thanks, Jason, for the graphic! Note II: Edited to move the graphic on the right … it seemed more fitting there ;))

Matt Margolis shares his memories of how it felt to find out Bush had been re-elected in spite of the deck stacked against him.

More thoughts on the one year anniversary: La Shawn, Don Surber, Brainster’s Blog, Randy Thomas, Alamo Nation, Ian at The Political Teen

Related: Michelle Malkin blogs about what she’s appropriately called the “Bush Derangement Parade” – which includes a parade of extremist anti-war Bush haters across the country who are using today’s anniversary to spread the ‘word’ about how ‘evil’ the Bush ‘regime’ really is.

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