Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffers severe stroke
Via Reuters:
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, deeply sedated and on a respirator, clung to life on Thursday after a severe stroke that is likely to create a huge vacuum in Israeli politics and the Middle East peace process.
Surgeons at Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital said they stemmed the bleeding in the 77-year-old leader’s brain in a seven-hour operation and described his condition as critical but stable.
Hospital director Shlomo Mor-Yosef, in an update to reporters several hours after surgery was completed, said Sharon would be kept in “deep sedation” and on a respirator for at least the next 24 hours to keep cranial pressure low.
Mor-Yosef did not say how much brain damage Sharon may have suffered from a type of stroke that is often fatal.
Medical experts agreed the prime minister was unlikely to pull through without his faculties being seriously impaired.
Prayers go out to Prime Minister Sharon and his family during this difficult time.
Meanwhile, in Gaza, the Palestinians are already celebrating. The life of Deputy Minister Ehud Olmert, the replacement prime minister, has already been threatened.
Sick, but not surprising.
Hat tip for World Net link: Atlas Shrugs
Related: Ian at the Political Teen perused the DU comments section yesterday to find out what they were saying about Sharon’s stroke. Ick.
More: Stephen Green writes a pre-post mortem on Sharon’s political career.