UW student senate will vote again on memorial
On Tuesday, I blogged about the University of Washington’s Student Senate voting down of a proposal to build a memorial honoring Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, an alumnus of UW. UW student body President Lee Dunbar mentioned in a letter here that another memorial was under consideration that would include, in addition to Boyington, four other UW Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. That has been confirmed:
SEATTLE – The University of Washington Student Senate is expected to vote again on a memorial to honor five former students awarded Congressional Medals of Honor.
Earlier this month the Senate deadlocked 45-45 on a proposal to honor Gregory “Pappy” Boyington. The student president then cast the deciding vote “No”.
Now the student who proposed the campus memorial is suggesting honoring all five former students and some members of the Senate tell KOMO 4 News that is more likely to pass.
Hat tip: Karl Swenson
Read more here via the AP.
Also, Michelle Malkin blogged last night about an email she rec’d from Renee Fricke, Director of the Annual Giving Programs at the University of Washington Foundation that talked about a memorial scholarship fund that has been set up to honor Lt. Col. Gregory “Pappy” Boyington. Awesome.