News ticker added
If you check the right column, right above my blogroll, you’ll see a new scrolling news ticker I’ve added – I want to add more than just Fox News (also wanted to add USAToday) but I’m not sure I can do it on the 14 day free trial. In the meantime, lemme know if you have any problems viewing it (like scrolling issues, etc).
Update: I switched over to the Yahoo News “Top Newstories” RSS feed, which includes stories from AP, Reuters, etc. I’m trying to see if this thing updates automatically or if I have to do it manually and I also need to find out how to add a second feed (like Fox) to the list. I’ve tried the instructions and they aren’t working for me. (Here’s the site I got the news ticker from – if you’re a blogger or other website owner, you may find some of what they have there useful)