Child porn ring busted
Via CNN:
CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) — An Internet chat room that streamed video of live child molestations has been shut down, and 27 people have been charged with online child pornography offenses, federal authorities said Wednesday.
“We plan to prosecute them and others involved in this vile chat room to the fullest extent of the law,” Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said.
“Molestation on demand and an ever-younger and more defenseless group of child victims are two of the most disturbing trends … investigators see when they infiltrate child pornography rings,” Assistant Secretary for ICE Julie Myers said earlier Wednesday. “This case had both.”
Justice Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said all but one of the defendants has been arrested following an undercover sting operation aimed at closing down the Web site known as “Kiddypics & Kiddyvids.”
Thirteen defendants were charged in the United States, and 14 were charged in other countries.
Gonzales said investigators were particularly disturbed by the live webcasting of the criminal acts.
He said seven child victims of molestation — the youngest of whom was younger than 18 months — have been identified.
Authorities said one suspect, identified as Brian Annoreno, allegedly produced live streaming video of him sexually molesting an infant.
Good work, feds. Now make sure these depraved creeps don’t ever see the outside of a prison cell again. For that matter, I think capital punishment would be most fitting.