President Bush vetoes stem cell bill

Not much time to comment, but wanted to post the link to the story:

WASHINGTON – President Bush says he’s vetoed a bill that would have allowed expanded federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research — because it “crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.”

The measure, approved by boht the House and Senate, allowed federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research.

Bush signed without any ceremony or photographers to record the historic moment. “He doesn’t feel it’s appropriate,” White House spokesman Tony Snow said.

But the president spokeabout the issue later in the White House East Room, surrounded by 18 families who “adopted” frozen embryos that were not used by other couples, and then used those leftover embryos to have children. “The message there is that an embryo can create a human being,” Snow said.

While both the GOP-run House and Senate defied Bush in passing the measure to expand federally funded embryonic stem research, supporters do not appear to have the two-thirds vote margin needed to override such a veto.

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