No blogging today
My day has not gotten off to a good start. In fact, it’s been horrible. This morning on my way in to work, I hit a cat on a busy street.
Having a cat of my own, and my number one worry being that someone will hit her in the street has made the pain of what happened this morning all the worse.
Some people might think “but it’s just a cat” but for those who have no children, cats are their children. This cat might have been someone’s pride and joy. It may have been a stray. It doesn’t matter either way, though, because it was still a little life that perhaps would still be around had I not tried to pass an SUV. If it didn’t die by my car, it did by someone else’s. The road was very busy and there was a lot of traffic behind me. I did not see the cat coming. I heard a bump like my tire had hit something, and looked in my rear view mirror and saw it. I pulled over as soon as I could, about a mile up the road once I could get over into another lane to turn onto a side street, composed myself as best I could, and called my mom and asked her for the number to animal services. She called them and they will be picking up the cat today.
I’m beside myself right now and am experiencing deep sadness. Please utilize this thread or the Wed/Thur open thread to discuss whatever issues pop up today. I don’t think I can.
Fri AM Update 8:30 AM: Thanks for the encouragement and kind words both in the comments and via email. I’m feeling better today and ready to get back to blogging. I’ll be back to posting in the next hour or so – some of the news may be ‘old’ at this point (a day old!) but that’s because I’ll be playing catch up today on the news so please bear with me