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February 2007, Page 6

Nutroots to certain Dem centrists: Project weakness, show hate for Bush or you’re next

I know I should be resting to try and rid myself of this cold that has me by the throat, but I couldn’t resist blogging about this fascinating story from the Washington Post written about the Nutroots and a Democrat Representative they are targeting. It’s Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA), who is the Chair of the centrist New Democrat Coalition. Why are they after her? Read on:.....   [Read More]

Wednesday open thread

I am currently under the influence of Sudafed – supposedly the non-drowsy version, but you wouldn’t know it by how sleepy I am – as I try to get rid of this nagging cold that won’t let me go. Here’s an open thread for you to discuss the hot topics of the day, until I return, which will hopefully be this evening......   [Read More]

WaPo: Dems run Congress “much like GOP did”

The Washington Post has gotten around to discovering what the conservative blogosphere, including yours truly, has already documented, and that’s that the Democrats who rode Congress on the promise of “bipartisanship” and “open debate” and who complained for years and years about the lack thereof on both counts under Republican control aren’t practicing what they promised and preached, surprise surprise. Lyndsey Layton writes:.....   [Read More]