So, Petraeus DID brief Democrats after all
Yesterday, as Red State noted, far left blogger after far left blogger wrote with righteous outrage over General Petraeus supposedly “only” meeting with Republicans last month and informing them on the situation in Iraq – essentially giving them a ‘what you need to know’ briefing on the situation on the ground.
The Nutroots viewed this as highly partisan and exclusionary, because, after all, Democrats ‘care’ about what’s going on in Iraq, too (cough, cough). One liberal blogger even called for Petraeus to be “relieved of his command” for this unforgiveable offense.
Turns out, there are a couple of problems with their story: 1) a Red State source told them back in early March that Democrats turned down a chance to meet with the General that day, choosing instead to have a chat with their far left base and, of course, labor unions, to strategize over the at-that-time-proposed Iraq war funding supplemental. And 2) unpopular-with-the-left-for-calling-it-like-it-is Joe Klein notes at Time’s Swampland blog that Democrats DID in fact meet with Petraus and brief them on Iraq (emphasis added):
1. There’s nothing wrong with Petraeus meeting with Republicans, as some blogger-types have suggested. He also briefed Democrats extensively. I’m not sure that he went to the full Democratic caucus (I’m also not sure that he went to the full GOP caucus). I am sure that he is scrupulous about treating both sides exactly the same.
Andrea Mitchell said on MSNBC’s Hardball last night:
MATTHEWS: What is Petraeus, General Petraeus saying over there about what‘s he been telling people about that?
MITCHELL: Well, it‘s a good thing you bring that out. He‘s been telling senators—he had, in fact, a closed-circuit briefing for the senators, Democrats as well as Republicans, and he is telling them that he will report some progress, that he hopes to be able to report some progress by August.
Will we see a retraction from those who were essentially accusing the General of being a partisan hack? I won’t hold my breath.
The Nutroots motto: Never let the facts get in the way of a full blown foaming at the mouth mega-rant.