Sarko vs. Sego: The French head to the polls today (SARKO WINS!)
By 5 pm French time, the turn out was 75%.
The French Election blog will be posting poll results later today, so if you’re interested in seeing the results of this election, keep checking back there. Pajamas Media is also following this election closely and will have updates. I’ll post updates as well once I find some links to update with.
More: Memeorandum has more stories and links to bloggers discussing this election.
Update I: The AP is reporting that Sarko has won the election by a vote of 53% to 47% (hat tip: ST reader Lorica). French Election 2007 has many more updates.
Bloomberg is reporting voter turnout was around 85%. Wow.
Update II: In Sarko’s victory speech, he told America that we can count on France as a friend. Heh. More, via CNN (emphasis added):
U.S. President George W. Bush called Sarkozy to congratulate him on his victory, a White House spokesman said in a written statement.
Prior to the election results being made public, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said a Sarkozy victory would be favorable to the United States.
“Clearly, his views are more in line with ours,” Lugar told CNN’s “Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer.”
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., concurred: “I do. I do,” he told CNN. “I mean, it would be nice to have someone who is head of France who doesn’t almost have a knee-jerk reaction against the United States.
LOL! Now if Schumer’s own party would stop having knee-jerk reactions to the US …
Also, here are tons more links on Sarko’s win via Memeorandum.
Update III: ¡No Pasarán! has links here and here to anarchists showing their, ahem, displeasure at the results of the election. (Hat tip: Instapundit)