Bam: Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) smacks down House leadership’s attempt at power grab

The transcript:

“Yesterday these leaders attempted to change a 185 year old House rule to dramatically increase taxes and government spending against the will of the minority party and the American people.

“Is this really the way to run the self proclaimed most honest and open Congress in our nation’s history?

“While House leadership may suffer from amnesia, the American people most certainly do not, and bending the rules to pass egregious tax-and-spend policies will not stand in the people’s house.”

Watch the video of Walberg’s comments below. It’s just a little over a minute.

Hat tip to Don Surber, who asks an interesting question:

Where is the press? When Republicans took over in 1995 (following the 1994 election) every move of Newt Gingrich was scrutinized and tested for that High Crime Of Hypocrisy, the only sin the Secular Left recognizes. Pelosi has yet to fulfill a single one of her promises — indeed, her promise not to withhold funding of the war was shattered and she is given a pass on it.

Maybe we need the Fairness Doctrine for straight news reporting.


As to where the media is? Probably out lovingly covering Senator Obama’s latest fundraiser …


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