Introducing Media Mythbusters
My good friend Lorie Byrd, along with several notable contributors, has created a Wiki page called “Media Mythbusters” – what is it? Who better than her to explain:
The Media Mythbusters site was created to provide a place for the archiving of comprehensive facts and links chronicling major journalism’s treatment of certain stories in which questions have arisen regarding facts or methods of reporting. These treatments of news events by major media have direct and significant impact upon public opinion and upon policymakers. Careful consideration of the way these stories were handled by the media is essential to both a well informed public and policy, and are intended to contribute to a more reliable and responsible major media desired and needed by all. The goal of this site is to be a reliable resource, accessible to all, to provide news consumers with tools and information to allow them to determine how best to process information they receive through major media outlets.
She explains how the site came to be at that same link.
I’ve bookmarked both the Wiki page and the Media Mythbusters blog in my “Media Blogs/Media Watchers” section on the left column of this page. Make sure you save the links to your favorites as well and visit them often.