Jihad in Dearborn, MI
Via the Dearborn Press and Guide-Heritage:
DEARBORN – Houssein Zorkot, a 26-year-old Dearborn resident, was arraigned Tuesday in 19th District Court on multiple felony charges, including carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent β a five-year felony.
Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University, was allegedly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face when he was arrested Saturday in Hemlock Park.
According to police, Zorkot was observed attempting to leave the park in a black SUV after officers had received reports of a man carrying a rifle in the area. He was placed under arrest and is scheduled to undergo a preliminary examination at 9 a.m. Sept. 21 in 19th District Court.
Zorkot has also been charged with one count of possession of a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle and one count of felony firearm. He remains in custody on a $1 million bond (cash, no 10 percent).
For any head-in-sand lefties who think I’m suggesting Zorkot was on a jihadi mission “just because” he is a Muslim, make sure to read Charles Johnson’s post where he’s done some digging on Zorkot and found out that “jihad” is exactly what he was up to. Sweetness and Light has much, much more on Zorkot.
Here’s a link video of the story (via Jihad Watch), which lists Zorkot as a “doctor in training.” Hmm. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? And, gosh, but Zorkot doesn’t exactly sound “poor and uneducated” either, does he?
Let’s not forget that Dearborn is home to the US’ largest Muslim population, and just last year, several protests and rallies were held in support of Hezbollah, where attendance was in the thousands (Note, again, for the head-in-sand lefties: No, of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims).
Related: Gateway Pundit has news about a new Internet threat recently posted by Islamofascists, directed towards America.