Best Conservative Blog finalistImagine my pleasant surprise this morning to log on to the blog and learn from ST reader steveegg that I made it to the finalist round of the Weblog 2007 Awards in the Best Conservative Blog category. Wowza! Here’s the competition, which I’m sure you’ll all agree is seriously serious:

Needless to say – and I’m by no means trying to slight myself – my winning this contest would be a major long shot :-ss . However, I’m just flat out honored to be included amongst those bloggers, many of who I link up to frequently, and I hope when all is said and done to make a respectable showing. Thank you thank you thank you to the readers who nominated me. And heck, whether you nominated me or not, the support of the regulars at this blog means very, very much to me. I am extremely thankful that so many of you have made this blog your blog “home base.” We’ve got a good friendly, lively, family-like group of readers/commenters here, and it just keeps getting better by the day.

At some point later tonight, they’ll be posting the link to the online “voting booth” where – if voting is like it usually is – a person can vote in each category once every 24 hours. The voting will take place for about a week. I’ll update this post with the direct link to that voting booth when it becomes available, and will keep a semi-permanent link up to it on the right side column of the blog, and time-permitting, will post a list of who I am endorsing in a few of the categories in the next couple of days.

Update: Here’s the link to vote in the Best Conservative blog category – remember, you can vote once a day. Make sure when you click the little round circle next to my blog name that you see it turn yellow. Once you do that, the results should automatically pop up (it wasn’t doing that for me at first and I was having to click twice as it wasn’t recognizing my first click). The vote totals are showing up a little weird this morning (like some people in some categories are showing as having like 300% of the vote), but I’m sure they’ll get that fixed. Thanks in advance. :)

Here is the poll index which has the links to voting booths for all the categories. Happy voting!


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